Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Food for thought... and much, much more

Ever wondered where food comes from? How it's produced, or processed? How industrial/commercial farming is destroying agriculture and pushing out the independent family farmers of the United States? What are the effects of GMO (genetically modified organism) or genetically engineered foods (GE)? Me neither. Well, until about a year ago.

I was completely ignorant on the subject of food. All I knew was that if I did not eat food I would eventually die. That's about it. My three food groups were meat, cheese and bread. I avoided vegetables and fruits most of the time. If I did eat any vegetables or fruit, it was processed in some way (canned, covered in preservatives and additives). I rarely, and I do mean rarely, ate fresh produce. When I went to restaurants I always ordered my food without anything other than meat, cheese or bread. I still remember the dumbfounded looks I would get at Subway when I would order a 12 inch turkey and bacon (extra bacon) sub with cheese. When the worker would ask if I would like anything else, I would decline. I thought their looks were strange, even laughable, but now I understand.

Over the last year my diet (I am NOT speaking of diet fads or trends; i.e., Atkins, South Beach) has changed and I have become more informed on the subject of nutrition. Due to these changes my eating habits have changed dramatically. I went from eating fast food nearly every meal, to grabbing a healthy meal once or twice a week from a vegetarian/vegan friendly restaurant or café. At this point I do not eat any animal flesh, or consume any diary. Food (energy) in my opinion appears to be more than just a quick fix for those pesky hunger pains. I'll go into more detail about this in the future.

Anyway... Here are a few links to some videos and mp3's on the subject of food:

The Future of Food
Dispatches: Supermarket Secrets
Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or Poison

The Crisis In US Agriculture - borrowed from
Part One - Part Two


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