It seems that our unexplained phenomena has a perverse streak to it. theWife and I were standing in the kitchen chatting with two of her cousins when one of them turned around quickly, looking towards the floor. She looked back up at me and said that she felt something touch her butt, and thought it was our dog. It wasn't, I was standing in front of the doorway to the kitchen and would have caught KaBOOM!! copping a feel. The doggy was in the living room, lying on the couch.
After two weeks of looking for a job that didn't include working in a factory, I landed a job delivering appliances for a namebrand store. The pay is next to nothing and no benefits, not even an employee discount, but at least I'm not cooped-up in a factory environment.
Today was a good day to be initiated into the delivery line of work. It rained(poured!) most of the day. It's interesting to see inside the homes of people you do not know. How other people live. We delivered a refridgerator to an empty apartment that smelled like it had been filled with a combination of shit, piss, and vomit. The sink was partially filled with stagnate liquid and the toilet(which resided in the kitchen) had dried shit in it. The stench was overwhelming at times.
Well, it's been over a week since we moved -- a very, very busy week.
We got to the new place around 11pm last Friday night and I immediately started unpacking, but I should have went to bed. I had one of my occasional low sugar moments; turning white, becoming light-headed, and sweating profusely. It had been a long day.
Some family and friends come over Saturday to help us unload the moving truck(thank you!) and visit. My brother blessed the new house by dumping 32 ounces of diet Coke onto the beige carpet.
Unexplained Phenomenon
Sunday morning theWife and I woke up to find the fruitbowl sitting on the kitchen table, split into 6 pieces, with the fruit lying on the pieces. Very odd. We left it untouched on the table for visitors to see and share their opinion on the cause. We have heard some unexplained noises, too. theWife and her mother heard what sounded like the toilet lid being shut Friday night, not long after getting to the house. theWife's mother later told us that her and her husband were in the empty house cleaning earlier that day, and they both heard and felt a crash-like sound in the home, but couldn't find the source. A couple of days ago I was in the bedroom and heard what sounded like a person running their fingers down the metal mini-blinds. The window was closed, so I couldn't blame the wind for creating the sound. Last night theWife and I came home to find a recently hanged picture crooked and suspended by only one nail. The second nail was still in the wall, but the picture managed to unhook itself from it.
The recent buyer of the house came over last Saturday morning to see if we had found the main water valve to turn on the water. He started talking about the condition of the house when he bought it. He said that the previous owner(recently deceased) had framed bones hanging on the wall, which isn't all that odd for an angst-ridden teenager, but for someone in their 50's? When theWife came to see the place before it was re-painted and remodeled, she said that the bedroom walls were covered in mirrors, and large hooks were screwed into the ceiling. Sounds like someone might have been into a little BDSM, eh? Later we found out that the previous owner was a recovering drug addict/alcoholic turned school counselor, had cancer, and was vacationing in Florida when he had a fatal heart attack. According to someone who knew him, the previous owner of the house was an "odd character" in school. I'll post more activity as it happens.
I Just Want Enough To Get Well
After experiencing the first stages of withdraw, we had the fine folks at Comcast cable come over and connect us to Internet last Wednsday. What was supposed to be a five minute job, turned into a hour and fifteen minute job. Turns out squirrels made lunch out of the coaxial cable running to the house, so it had to be replaced. The existing coax cable in the house was shit, too. We had the worst throughput ever seen by the cable technician. Two back-up units were called in to assist. The cable technician was cool though, and I burned him a copy of Peeping Tom for his hard work.
Finally got the WiFi up and running yesterday after realizing that one of the ethernet cables I was using a crossover cable! I guess that's why I put red tape at the ends of that cable. Oops!