Sunday, January 14, 2007

Robert Anton Wilson, Dead Again

Jan 18, 1932 - Jan 11, 2007

"Robert Anton Wilson Defies Medical Experts and leaves his body @4:50 AM on binary date 01/11.

All Hail Eris!

On behalf of his children and those who cared for him, deepest love and gratitude for the tremendous support and lovingness bestowed upon us.

(that's it from Bob's bedside at his fnord by the sea)

RAW Memorial February 2007
date to be announced" (RAW Data)

RAW was, still is, and forever will be, a great influence on my life. A friend suggested to me to read Wilson's book titled 'Cosmic Trigger' many years ago. I immediately feel in love with RAW, and quickly read all three volumes of Cosmic Trigger. I have read many other books by Wilson since then and regard him as one of my favorite authors. He has taught me to question everything and come up with my own conclusion, and then question it. To not take myself seriously and refrain from being a cosmic schmuck.

Farewell, you lucky bastard. Thanks for the ride.

Yet another thing to look forward to when I die.

FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD
FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord
fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD fnord FNORD

hail eris!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pirates of "Reality"

(via digg)

During a broadcast of the Dr. Who episode "Horror of Fang Rock" on WTTW Chicago Channel 11, on Sunday November 22nd, 1987, at around 11:15pm, a Video "Pirate" wearing a Max Headroom mask broke into the signal and transmitted one of the weirdest, unauthorized things ever to hit the Chicago airwaves. MORE