Young Tia (Kim Richards) and Tony Malone (Iake Eissinmann) arrive at an orphanage after the death of their foster parents, and immediately, the other children notice something is different about them. In baseball, Tony is able to jump high to catch fly balls...fifty feet high. Tia gets a feeling about certain things that are about to happen and she prevents a man from being the victim of a car accident.
The man, Lucas Deranian (Donald Pleasance), informs his malicious boss Aristotle Bolt (Ray Milland) of these two special children, and they seek to exploit their powers, with Deranian posing as the siblings' uncle to get custody. Tia and Tony take off, with hopes of remembering and finding exactly where on Earth (or not) they come from. They get assistance from Jason O'Day (Eddie Albert), an old soul who at first look appears to be gruff, but is entirely sympathetic to the two children. LINK
The following is an example of one of the many odd moments in the film: Bolt and Deranian watch the two kids (star children) via surveillance monitors as the children put on a display of their magical talents inside their new quarters within the Bolt compound. Bolt and Deranian say the following lines:
ARISTOTLE BOLT: That's the most incredible thing I've seen.
LUCAS DERANIAN: Thank you. We have a long way to go, yet. I'm having more hidden cameras installed and as soon as I have enough... evidence, I'm going to show the tapes to the children.
ARISTOTLE BOLT: "Good. If this doesn't put them on my team, well..., we'll have to resort to cruder methods of persuasion."
Screenshots: Tia's star case. Binary star symbol? Dual Sun? Sirius? Reference to Hiram Abiff?
Tia and Tony are taken "home" in a "flying saucer".
The flying saucer first leaves sight by going over the hilltop, but comes back shortly thereafter and disappears into fog, or perhaps a body of water.
Have a hoot in the next dimension you crazy bastard!
Man, I watched the 'Mr. Wizard' show religiously when I was a wee sapling. The Mr. Wizard show, in my opinion, one of the best shows Nickelodean ever produced.
A couple of months ago I began learning the art of screen printing. I was growing tired of waiting for someone to make shirts that I wanted to wear and instead of paying lots of money to have one-off shirts made, I decided to buy some equipment and make them myself. After making a few shirts I thought to myself, “Hey, other people may dig these t-shirts, too.” Thus, giving birth to Metafizzik - shirts for those interested in the occult, the paranormal, conspiracies, the esoteric, political dissidence, and of course metaphysics.
Ever been curious as to what the "XP" in Windows XP meant? Some say it stands for eXPerience, but according to Wikipedia, Microsoft had a project code named "Cairo" from 1991 to 1996. It was to build technologies for a next generation operating system.
"Cairo was announced at the 1991 Microsoft Professional Developers Conference byJim Allchin.[1] It was demonstrated publicly (including a demo system for all attendees to use) at the 1993 Cairo/Win95 PDC.[2] Microsoft changed stance on Cairo several times, sometimes calling it a product, other times referring to it as a collection of technologies.[3]
At its peak, Cairo was one of the largest groups at Microsoft and employed a majority of the company's senior engineering and design talent." LINK
As a pre-Christian symbol, the Chi-ro signified good fortune. The Chi ro became an important Christian symbol when adopted by the Roman Emperor Constantine, representing the first two letters in the name of Christ- the Chi, or 'ch,' and Rho, or 'r.' According to Church Father Eusebius, on the eve of the Battle of the Milvan Bridge, the Emperor saw the emblem in a dream, with the inscription, "By this sign, you shall conquer." According to the story, the battle was won. In return for the victory, Constantine erected Christian churches. Unfortunately, this story is very unlikely, as Constantine's conversion occured on his deathbed, if at all. In any case, the symbol was the standard of the Emperor's army, prominently displayed on the Emperor's labarum, or battle standard.
Before it became the monogram of Christ, the chi rho was the monogram of Chronos, the god of time, and an emblem of several solar deities.
The Chi-ro is also the origin of the tradition of abbreviating "Christ" in "christian" or "Christmas" to "X."
In Hebrew, Chi-Rho equates to Tav-Resh. The chi rho was used in hermetic alchemical texts to denote time." LINK