Thursday, August 16, 2007

Emergency Notification System *Update*

After much searching, I finally found some information on the emergency notification system that was recently installed downtown Chicago.

This system was manufactured by a company called Federal Signal Corporation, University Park, IL. This specific device is part of the Modulator Series Siren family. It produces siren tones and digitally recorded voice messages. Go to the Modulator web page to listen to some creepy audio samples.

I would not be surprised if this system could be used as a *live* public address system, too.


At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude. That 'wail' sound made my hair stand on end.

Thanks for this.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger realm said...

Nice work Crackpot! I'm going to ask friends in other large cities if similiar devices are around or being placed. People have no idea what is coming their way, they'll panic and cry for help. Which is why I'm getting the hell out of L.A., hopefully nothing happens before I move next summer to the North West. Peace, Joshua


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