Sunday, December 23, 2007

Speaking of Ceres

A friend sent me a link to the new trailer for Batman film, The Dark Knight; which was filmed partially in Chicago(Gotham City). Being a fan of the dark knight and a Chicagoian, I was delighted to see all the scenes that were filmed a mere block away from my workplace. One such scene is a fly-over shot of the Chicago Board of Trade(CBOT) building which happens to be capped with a 31 foot (9.5 m) tall statue of the goddess Ceres. A more in-depth look into the syncromysticism associated with the cereal goddess can be found here and here.

Here is a screen grab of the fly-over shot showing Ceres on top of the Chicago Board of Trade building.

Most of the city scenes shown in this trailer were filmed in front of the CBOT building, at the end of South LaSalle Street, downtown Chicago.

I'd like to give a shout out to Todd, over at Through the Looking Glass, for all of his Cere-ous research. Be sure to visit his fantastic blog.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Daisy Chain 4 Satan

Great video put together by a fan of My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult.

(via Technoccult)

If you were to travel back in time to the summer of 1996, you would likely hear this song blaring from my car. Imagine a gray 1985 Dodge Omni hatchback cruising along with vinyl letters the spelled 'K M F D M' proudly displayed at the top of the windshield and a ceramic skull(that my mom painted for me - yeah she was that cool) facing the rear window that contained lights within which flashed with the beat of the music. The beat was provided by an 18" subwoofer that lived in the hatch. It wasn't hard to stick out in a small town in Indiana.

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Not Dead... Yet!

After a voluntary two month break from "theMadness," I will now resume blogging activities. Todd, thanks for checking up on me.

The above photo was taken at Green Lawn Cemetery during a recent trip to Columbus, Ohio. The city of Columbus has a lot of symbolism for those with "eyes to see." I will share my discoveries in upcoming posts.

Thanks for stopping by!

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