Sunday, April 02, 2006

Yella Belt

Last October my lovely wife of eight years bought me a month's worth of classes at a mixed martial arts academy for an anniversary gift. I finally decided to take advantage of the gift in December. I was a little nervous about going, but after the first class, I was hooked.

After three months, I received my yellow belt today. I'm no longer considered a newbie, and I get to wear a black gi top instead of all white. Next stop... Gold!

Up until a year and 4 months ago I would have never considered attending a martial arts school. I would have been too self-conscious (weighing 240 pounds at my heaviest) to have enrolled. I was still a little unsure of the idea even though I was in the best physical shape of my life. It's been difficult accepting the fact that I'm not a fat guy any more.

I want to thank my wife so very much for getting me that gift. It has been a great and growing experience that I probably would not have done without her. Thank you!!

I'll share more details on the subject of my transformation in the future. Now I must go to sleep.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Kitten said...

You are too cute. Seriously. I think we might have to put a veil on you to sheild you from the rest of the world that isn't as cute. People might get jealous!

Glad I could help you out baby. You are so worth it.


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