Monday, April 10, 2006

Birthday, Fajitas & Rob Zombie

Last Saturday marked the beginning of my "Birthday Week." theWife and I like to stretch out the celebration a whole week instead of one short day. We had a bunch of friends come over for some tasty fajitas, cooked-up by the sis-in-law, played a couple of rounds of Trivial Pursuit, and watched about 35 minutes of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.' I love that movie! It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years since the first time I watched it on HBO.

"Dog will hunt!"

Jen K. and Jose scored me an original signed drawing by Rob Zombie, that wished me a happy birthday. You guys rock! They interviewed Mr. Zombie earlier that day for a documentary.

theWife and I are going to end the "Birthday Week" by traveling into the wilderness and staying in a hot tub equipped cabin for a couple of days.


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